i didn't get much sleep last night. surprise surprise! we got up this morning and had to pretty much leave for the hospital to get a big fat needle poked in me! the sheer thought of what was going to happen was far worse then the actual procedure. i worked up a sweat and like my dr said...i wouldn't feel a thing. she was right. after the test i was hooked up to a monitor to see if everything was still great with the baby. we then had to play the waiting game for awhile. we got the green light to go forth with the delivery.
we had a long walk to the birth area of the hospital. i got settled into the room and was hooked up to a pitocin drip. this was about 12:00 in the afternoon. during this i was experiencing contractions but nothing that i couldn't handle. nothing really was happening and it was already 7:00 at night. my dr. came to see what was going on and we decided that the pitocin be stopped and i could rest for the night so that i could have the strength for the next day...when hopefully we would have another baby.
friday morning i started the petocin at 6:00. i continued to have strong and regular contractions but no progress. then at 12:00 my water was broken. this would hopefully get things moving in the right direction. i was experiencing very strong contractions so at about 3:00 i had an epidural. still though at 7:00 at night i was nearly 3cm. my goodness...how much more petocin could i handle? the dr. gave me a choice to either continue with the petocin or have another c-section. i was at the point that i could no longer think about having more petocin in me (my ankles were cankles at this point and swollen tight) and maybe i didn't have the right kind of body to deliver babies. who knows?
so at 7:20 pm Claire Elizabeth Johnson was born. this time around there was not as much pain and was a better experience for me. she was 6lbs. 4 oz. and 20" long. like her sister, claire had lots of hair too! my intuition was wrong! randy said "i told you so" as he had always thought that we were having another girl.
the one cool thing about having a c-section is that in about 20 minutes you are guarenteed a baby if everything goes well. we got to see lauren before we had claire. then while i was in the operating room...lauren was eating dinner. then after, when lauren came back, voila she had a sister. she was so proud of her little sister and i will never forget the look of adoration in her eyes when she saw claire for the first time! oh how proud i am to be the mom of two great little girls!