Saturday, June 20, 2009

photoshoot #2 for the day

After we left Nana and Papas we headed next door for my parents house. Lauren needed a new dress since she used her watering can to fill the bird bath way too much and was soaked. So we were able to get some more shots of her. She was being particularly photogenic today...something that doesn't happen too often!

I think that she will always take the time to smell the flowers.

papa joe even got in on the action!

One beautiful day!

On a visit up to my parent's house we took some time to see my grandparents addition to their pond. They were not kidding when they said that they were doubling the size of it. It is truly a beautiful pond that my Uncle Paul and them put together. I also got a chance to shoot some really great pictures since the day was PER.FECT!

Lauren couldn't get enough of the watering can...I had to go and get one ASAP for her at home.

One sweet little girl

Saturday, June 13, 2009

My big girl already!

She is just growing up way to fast!
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A big sister in the making!

Can you tell that I am going to have the "BEST" little helper around once the new baby comes. Lauren is super excited to have a baby come...not sure if she really knows what she is in for, but for now she loves to help out with her cousins Brooklyn and Talia.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

off to the zoo we go!

It is hard to believe that we haven't been to the Milwaukee Zoo in a year. Lauren again loved all of the animals. Here favorite though were the rhinos and the monkeys. She was unsure of the fish though...probably because they are inside in a dark building.
Stroller buddies
Ms. B
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