Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Here I come!

Claire has been practicing and mastering the art of crawling.  
Army crawling that is.  
Have you ever tried it?
Dragging your body on the ground and moving with most of the help coming from your arms and a bit from your legs.  
Try it...it is hard!!!
And she is quick at it.
Now add to the mix that she is pulling herself up on every.thing...we have a girl on the go!!!
She loves to pull herself up on drawers and suck on the pulls. 
I bet that feels good on her teeth!
So watch out everyone.  She is curious and fast!!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Meet the newest girl at Darling Daisy Shop!!!!!
Bernina is her real name, but I am thinking like everyone else around here...
she will have to have a nickname!
Perdita (think 101 dalmations) is one that we will go with,
since she is per.it.y (*pretty*) and she purrs like a kitten.
Which is music to my ears.
NO.MORE. breaking threads.
NO.MORE. breaking needles...i hope!
NO.MORE. tangled messes with bobbins.
NO.MORE. stress.
NO.MORE. eerrrrrrr! and uhhhhhhh!!!!!! from my mouth.
Just pure loveliness..yeah!

The New Home

No we didn't get a new home...

My New Home sewing machine has to find a new home to reside.

She will be replaced with something new-er, happier, and just plain better!

So long for now my sassy friend!


Remember this post?

 Well the wait is over...we have teeth!
Claire is *loving* her teeth...mainly because she gets to have yummy puffs!
She also shows them off when she smiles:) which is pretty frequently for her:)
Now we hope that the other pearly whites come in with less pain and less drooling.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


We have been wanting to get this done in awhile...
finally another project checked off of the list!

We started off with Claire's hand and foot in the middle.
Then ended up with Randy's hand and foot around the outside.

It didn't turn out quite as we wanted or pictured in out heads, 
but it is still something that we did as a family and we are 
very proud of our first piece of art.