So today was the first day that it actually felt like fall...crisp air, breezy winds and a chill in the house...no longer will we be using the air conditioner. The heater actually "kicked in" this afternoon. Ahhh this feels good. So Randy has been anxiously waiting to make his first batch of chili and today was perfect for that. Lauren has never had anything soupy like that so I thought that she was going to make a huge mess of it. And as you will be surprised she did wonderfully at feeding herself what is most likely a mess for me to eat...I am a clutz in every way including when I eat.
With the cooler temperatures in the air I have felt a need to make Lauren a blanket/quilt of some kind. So I have finally gotten around to that too! Actually I whiped it up last friday. How cozy it is...although I am thinking that I will need to make another one for winter time. She loves to snuggle with it and she is always wrapped up like a bundled burrito when she is sleeping...so sweet! Looks like there will be lots of sewing in the coming months. I am thinking of going all "handmade" for all of our presents. Have to do some research as to what the boys will like. However, I have too many things that I want to make for all of the girls that I really have to pick just 2 or 3 things. So much fun ahead.