Lots of sweet treats and goodies.

So much fun it was to decorate!

Award for prettiest present goes to Wendy Schmidt!
Most talked about present award goes to Aunt Paula---a great gift--something every little girl shoud have! Santa may just drop one off for Lauren this Christmas!
A special hand-made present for to mom-to-be--look familiar? 
-------------------------------------More Baby Stuff-------------------------------------------Then about a week and a couple of days later all of us hosted another grand shower. We showered my sister-in-law Wendy and my brother Chris with lots of love and presents. I love anything to do with babies. And this shower was great because it turned out that we could do a bird theme (the theme for the baby girls nursery)...which is a hot thing right now! I had so much fun baking bird cookies and cupcakes I was sad when there were no more to decorate:(...they turned out so cute! In addition, I was also able to put together a special something that I found on the internet. We had a great time and surprisingly for a Tuesday night shower a great turn out too!
This is a popular gift.
Little Sadie and Andrea having fun!!! you go girls!
Whew what a long post again :(
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