Last Friday Lauren had her 15 month check up. She weighed in at 19 lbs. 15 oz. and was 29 inches long. Which means she still should be rear facing in the car seat! She also received 3 shots too! It never fails that she doesn't feel the first prick but the ones after that are the worse. She definitely lets you know that those are painful. So we came home and she went down for a nap. What a day for her.
She is becoming more independent everyday. She wants to close all of the doors by herself, she takes "baby" everywhere, she imitates alot of the things that we do, and she has shown us that she wants to use the big girl potty. That's right, she went on the big potty on Saturday! OMG my little girl is too small for this! For the most part she wants to just go on the potty to play with the toilet paper. I am very surprised because maybe this potty training will start earlier than I expected and maybe she will be trained before she is two. Good job L!
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