A beautiful fruit bowl complete with fruit~ Thanks Allie for thinking of everything!
Our move went very smoothly. It helps to have a great crew though too! We were able to pack our entire home into 2 U Hauls-the really big ones. We signed our papers and were off to our new home. We had everything unloaded by 4:30 and we ate dinner and we all were like now what do we do?
We had our sofa in our living room but no TV!
OMG! How were we going to survive the night?
Answer: Watch Grey's on Carson's laptop.

Then Tuesday came along and Lauren and I left to go up to S.B. for a rummage sale. I know it seems a little crazy to be doing that especially since we haven't even been here for a week. But I had everything already up in S.B. and priced! So we just had to set up. We had a great time and I sold everything that I wanted to! I came home with just some clothes. Yeah!

Lauren is NOT for sale.
Shopping for some treasures.

Now that we have been here for three weeks it is really nice to have most of our things out of boxes. We just have to decide now where to put things on the walls. Fun stuff.
I have started to sleep past my usual 5:30. Our bedroom is without window treatments (something on my "to do" list) so the sun comes up and then I can't sleep anymore. I think that the weather has something to do with that because it has been overcast the last week or so. My "to do" list has been growing lately and now I have moved from a small single sheet of paper to a whole notebook. Every night I go to bed thinking that I still have alot more to do. Which reminds me I still have to switch some addresses!!!
Whew long post!
Posting pictures of our home in on the "to do" list.
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