Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We're Special

Today we got to do something exciting! We went to visit Lauren's Aunt Olivia at school. Olivia goes to the same school that I went to. Corpus Christi. Now it is called St. John Boscoe though. During Catholic Schools Week they always have Special Person's Day. For Olivia that meant Special People as my Grandparents, my mom and Lauren and I all got to visit and have lunch with Olivia. Lauren enjoyed being around so many kids. She kept on saying hi to all of them! They all had fun together. She also loved being at the head of the class too!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Brooklyn's Baptism

This weekend was a special time for Brooklyn. She is getting baptized. I also get to have the special honor of being her godmother too! We spent the weekend with the Diltz's to help prepare food and to just hang out. We like to do that with them! We spent alot of time trying to master Dance, Dance Revolution. It seemed that we just couldn't get our hands to move quick enough...we cheated! I would really like to see someone get past the level that we were on! That level being like one! Definitely got a workout!
On Sunday was the baptism. Lauren made friends easily with Carson's sister Ellen. She fulfilled the requirements of having long hair and a nice necklace on! They were pals for the day. Lauren also had a great time helping out her new cousin Talia with feedings too! What a busy day we all had.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A little somethin somethin

This weekend we had a great time creating things. Randy made Lola a little dog pillow. She has been needing one that fit her. She must have grown somehow. And I got my hands into making Lauren a pillow case, some little booties for Brooklyn's Baptism and some more burp clothes too!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Here is just a little snip it of a cutie pie waving hi to everyone. We took this video while Brooklyn and Allison came for a short visit to our house. She is getting to be such a big girl already. Brooklyn is already coo-ing and smiling very much. Love that! Lauren had a great time hanging out with Jas (aka Jasper) and little B (Brooklyn). Next time that Carson is away looks like a road trip for us girls down to Milwaukee.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


a day without wind. sunny skies. Wheee! shoveling snow. rosy cheeks. slippery ice.  snow covered mittens. wheee some more = a good nap.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Dancin Dancin Dancin!

I finally got that chance to video Lauren dancing! Yeah we threw a little dance party in her play room tonight and she was really getting into it! Must have helped with Randy being part of it! She also added a new move or should I say dance accessories...her necklaces. She was whipping those around...and as you can guess she hits herself a few times. Whoops!
p.s. Lauren is trying to make a fashion statement and wearing her onesie flaps on the outside! Cool right? We are in the middle of potty training again and it saves me time to unbutton those things!