Friday, July 23, 2010

The Simply Pleated Wristlet

Here are some details about a new product that Darling Daisy launched about a month ago.   
It quite possibly could be my favorite item.  
It is quite feminine with the ruffled/pleated section on the front.  
And don't let its size fool you.  
You can stuff all of your daily necessities in it. 

These are my things that I have to have.  

See I told you so!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

good morning

this is what a found this morning again.  
same as yesterday morning...
note: i know you are not suppose to wake a sleeping beauty 
but it was close to 9:00 in the AM.

Monday, July 19, 2010

ma ma!

yes that is indeed what she said!
claire's first word is mama! 
i know that she doesn't know what she is saying.
but still!

now all of you mamas out there know that many times a baby's first word is da da!  
not claire's.
she continues to put a smile on my face.
you go girl :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

i have a runny nose

this is what our countertop has looked like for exactly one week!  
Claire is officially teething-although no signs of teeth yet.  
Lauren is dealing with her allergies-we think.  
dry cough.watery eyes.runny nose.etc.
along with all the tissues there is alot of snuggles being shared---one positive thing. 
i wish i could just say be gone! and poof magic health fairy comes to our house and heals.
-tomorrow is another day - 
one day closer to healthyness-i hope!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A new do

A few weeks ago I finally broke down and did something that I didn't think that I would do for at least a couple of years. 
I cut Lauren's hair.  
Now for the people that have not seen her before, she had great hair.  
It was just growing in a little odd.  
She will have hair like me.  The back will grow oh so much quicker than the front.  
Which kinda looked silly.  
Insert possible mullet on cutie pie girl.
After all the wiggles and giggles...i think i did an okay job.  
It may be a little crazy...but with her curls no one even knows.  

Much better and Lauren even likes it! BONUS!

Oh no!

Note: Wrote this late last night (wednesday)...blogger didn't want to upload video...size was too big i guess. 

I have already failed at my new resolution.  Last week has come and gone and this week...well it is almost the same!  I would totally buy time if I could...oh and could I get some coffee with that too!  Anyways, before I go to bed for the day I am going to give you a cute video of the girls.  That little Claire is a sneaky one.  She may look cute...but she does have alternative motives.  We adore and love her though...even Lauren does in this.  Enjoy!

Friday, July 2, 2010

i worsy momma

Oh my where do I start...
First off~ Apologies to anyone that has followed or is following this blog...I am very sorry that I haven't been keeping up with this...hard to do when there are so few hours in a day.  I am trying not to procrastinate with this any.more!
Second of all~My little girlies are getting so BIG!  Lauren is no longer a little girl as she likes to be called "Lauren Grace Big Sister"

And Claire.  Wow she is already seven months old.  Pretty soon she will be crawling, walking and talking.  Oh how time flies.
This summer has already been filled with so much activity.  Hopefully I will be able to play "CATCH UP" as far as this blog goes.

I am hoping to add new posts at least every other day...(ummmm should put things in perspective realistic).  How about every week at least?  Sounds good to me.