Friday, January 28, 2011

Christmas Party #1

 This was the year for Christmas parties...and none of them were work related.  
My sister Allison (the owner of Boutique Chez Vous) and I thought that we should have planned a Christmas party of some sort just for the sake of it and well and to get dressed up and have a nice meal....but like some things this year, that slipped through our minds.
 We were however were invited to a annual event at our friends Chris and Becky who live in Milwaukee.  Apparently this was an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party.  
Allison and Carson have attended this for a few years and had told us that gets really involved with this and that it is alot of fun.  
Randy and I lucked out in the fact that we didn't have to buy our ugly fleeces.  We had borrowed them.   
Allison and Carson got their get ups from Goodwill.  Allison had mom jeans that clearly went way up there...think Urkel style!
 We were disappointed when we arrived that no one else had their 'special' sweaters on!!! Not even the host and hostess!!!! bummer :(  Well needless to say Allison won the prize for Best Ugly Sweater.
 There was also a White Elephant gift exchange.  So fun.  Randy apparantly loved his prize too much.  The ShakeWeight. 
 Here he is working up the crowd.  Can you tell that he is just a tid bit happy about his prize.  And he was equally happy that no one wanted to steal it from him!

 One of the most beloved prizes was a toaster oven.  This one was a present that was stolen. 
 And worst white elephant present was picked by Becky the host!  Her own sister wrapped up a banana that she found in Becky's own freezer.  Everyone got a big laugh at that one!
 Awe don't we look so good in our smatching matching sweaters. 
 The happy couple in their Christmas clothes. 
Bartenders testing out their beer.. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Better late than never on this one!
Claire was a very sweet little Butterfly....perfect for her.
Lauren was a very vibrant little Aerial.

 Going to Starbucks to meet Kristy our friend.
 Little Reegan as a cutie bee.  We pretty much had a whole insect theme with the girls.
 Brooklyn as a sweet little ladybug.
 A quirky smile...I think!?!?!?

 Spooky house
 A tired little mermaid!
 Hey Bee!
 Best house ever!  Instead of about some cotton candy!!!! 
 Lauren was waving her hair here.
Reminds me of the commercial: Don't hate because I am beautiful. 

Fantastic Birthday Celebration

 I LOVE the effect of these tissue paper pom pom flowers.  
Much better than the ordinary balloon and even better is the fact that I can use them over and over and over...okay you get the point!
No birthday party would be complete without the sweets!
Digging into her yummy cupcake...mmmmm!
 Claire definitely knew what to do with her birthday cake...and did she like it!!!!
As you can tell Claire had a very busy day...she looks a little tuckered out...Happy Birthday Sweet Pea!

Claire's One!!!

People have said this to me before we started a family "enjoy these moments as they go by so quickly".  And goodness...were they right.  Now I find myself saying this all.of.the.time!    I can recall taking this the way not even looking through the viewfinder of my DSLR...and when I reviewed it...I knew that I had captured such a beautiful moment between my two daughters.  The look of wonder in Laurens eyes is priceless. 
We have celebrated many surprises with Claire.  I think that the one that sticks out is how at a very young age she seemed like she was going to be the quiet one...but that quickly changed when she started making very loud pterodactyl noises to get our attention.  Now all she has to do is say those sweet little words of 'mamma or dadda' and we are there.  And she can definitely hold her own.  I think that she is going to be one tough little sweetie.
And those smiles. You melt us everytime you give us one.   There are so many different ones to choose from.  From the sweet innocent and shy ones to the bold and goofy old man grins.  What a little clown you are. 
 Your so petite.  Many people reference back to me when they see you.  So dainty.
 All of your nicknames include: wiggle worm, squirmy wormy, little peanut, and sweet pea.
 And now you are ONE!  Happy Birthday Claire:)