Monday, May 12, 2008

Down to the wire

This past weekend we had alot going on...Timber Rattlers game, mother's day and packing.
The baseball game was fun

...and we also got some great news. My brother and his wife are expecting!!! Yeah more cousins for Lauren to play with. So there will be a Thanksgiving baby and a Christmas baby! Wow! We were all so exhausted from being outside that we came home and took it easy.

Sunday we packed and packed. I am getting a little worried that we will be loading up those U-haul all day and all night forever! I really just want to be in our new home! So is that too much to ask? So I really didn't get anything for Mother's day. Our new home is going to be the big present for both of us for a couple 30 years or so. But Randy had to go get some dishwashers soap for the dishwasher and he came back with some chocolate ice cream...mmm! Happy Mother's day to me!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Every time I sit at this computer and blog now I feel like Doggie Houser (sp?). Weird I know. Well anyways...we had a nice weekend with visiting with families. Randy's parents came on Sunday for the day. We had a chance to show them the new home...a view just from the car though.
Yesterday I was busy putting together some pages for lauren's scrapbook. Ugh I hate when I don't pay attention. I made two pages with the wrong dpi. Which means that when I print them out they will be very small or normal sized but very pixilated. So back to Photoshop to see if I have to redo them or maybe I can convert them somehow.
I have started to make lists...I am a listmaker. This started I think when I was old enough to do chores. During weekends and summer vacation my mom would make lists of things that we were to do before we could have fun. These lists were not very long...but looking back was probably a good way to make us feel that we contributed to daily chores and gave us a sense of accomplishment. Did I just say that? At the time we gave my mom a real hard time for doing these things. Now I am a listmaker only because I get so distracted during the day that it helps me feel like I have done something other than clean up after Lauren. So on my list today is: Merinate pork loins, Pick up poo...lola our dog!, make cards, and cut out headbands.
I was reading another bloggers post and she ended every post with the top 10 things she was thankful for. Thought that may be good for the days that aren't going so well.
10. Sunny days!
9. Daffodils and Tulips
8. A clean home
7. Afternoon walks.
6. A computer! Even if it gives me stress sometimes.
5. Apple pies.
4. A hot cup of tea.
3. Snuggling with my husband and Lola to watch Dancing with the Stars.
2. For being able to stay at home with Lauren.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Finished Project!

So I have been into sewing lately---the past two days! And look what I whipped up for an awesome birthday present for my little sister who is 22! Hopefully she is really going to like it. It is a Lounge Set. Complete with lounge capri pants, headband and eye mask---a must for Andrea!
We are headed to visit them all today. We are celebrating Andrea's Birthday tonight (mmm Birthday cake and Ice Cream!) and then we are going to see my little cousin Olivia perform some dance routines at my old high school. How exciting!