Wednesday, May 20, 2009


So this is the reason that I haven't been on here lately--like the last two months. We officially found out the weekend of Easter. And decided to keep it a secret until recently. I have been feeling not so hot. The has been here since week five (same as Lauren) and it is not good. I have been forcing myself to eat and drink, but sometimes that isn't enough and I end up getting sick. I learned with Lauren to keep stuff in my stomach and the importance it is for fluids to enter your body. I really want to stay out of the hospital this time!
Our due date is Dec. 8th. But I believe that I will deliver earlier. We are totally thrilled and Lauren is getting excited. She loves to play knock knock on my tummy and talk to the baby through my belly button...this is how the baby can hear.
Hopefully I am feeling better because to not enjoy the weather and be outside is aweful.
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1 comment:

The Baudhuins said...

Congratulations again! We are so happy for you guys :)