Monday, March 31, 2008

A spontaneous Sunday

This weekend was one filled with getting loose ends tied up at home so it is ready to SHOW to any prospecting lookers. We are still waiting for our house to show up online...then I think it will be official that we have our home on the market. We finished our duties earlier than I thought so we went for a drive to look at other homes and so that Lauren would take a nap too! We still have our hearts set on the home that is a bit out of our price range. We will just have to see what the market is like for the home we are in now and go from there.

Sunday we had a tasty breakfast which consisted of Grandma Pancakes. mmmm. Delicious. My mom called an we were all invited for a birthday dinner. I really wanted and needed to get out of the house...I am soooooo waiting for the weather to make up its mind and stay warm! So I got all my chores done and Lauren and I were out the door to Mimi and Papa Joe's house. Randy stayed home since we were going to spend the night. I think he needed time to relax without the girls. So we arrived at my parent's home and had a great time with Chris and Wendy and Nana and Papa...even Ann came over. It is always so nice to go and visit them.

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